Friday, April 30, 2010

My Humbling Experience

I had a humbling experience this week.

On Tuesday, I accompanied my mother to the Government Hospital in Miri to meet up with the Orthopedic specialist from Kuching to discuss about Mum's impending spine surgery. On that day, the wait was reallyyyyyyyyyyy long. I had canceled all my appointments that morning and figured out that the appointment would probably be over latest by 11.00am. Normally, by 10.45am we would be at the pharmacy already.

I looked at my watch. 11.30 am and it wasn't mum's turn yet. I was beginning to lose my patience and really felt negative about this experience. In my mind I was seeing all the unfinished work that I had waiting for me and wished I could be doing it then. So, my whining and "Oh me, Oh my" mode started operating.

Then, I believe God spoke to me. A thought flashed past my mind and I immediately regretted whining about the situation. Well, the thought was a simple one: When you were younger, your mother waited for you when you were in school and then waited for you to send you for tuition classes. Later waited for you again to fetch you home. And waited for you some more when you have any extra curricular activities. That probably went on for a good 12 years. What's your 3 hours compared to the years your mother waited for you without griping?

Like I said, I was humbled. I felt so bad about it. I'm not writing this because it's near to Mothers' Day and I suddenly feel sentimental. I think everyday should be Mothers' and Fathers' Day. Go and do something special for them to thank them and show them our love. They've showered us with theirs for a good part of their life (more than 50%, in fact).

I'll end this post with the video of the song "Child" or "Anak" which was originally a Tagalog song performed by Freddie Aguilar.

Father and Mother I Love You!


  1. yup. that is why i accompany my mom to hospital with a patient heart haha. they are getting older and you dont know when they will leave u. The day we dont want it to come~ but sadly, it still will come. we cant determine how many days left that she still belong to us, but at least we have to give our love to them. we should treasure time, treasure mother and father that still at our side and we are FAMILY.

  2. Thanks for your comments LVui. You are absolutely right. We must treasure the time that we have with our parents. Don't wait till after they're gone to start showing that we love and respect them. That's showing to others only.

  3. Dear Luke,

    Thanks for sharing. I had been through such situations many times.. and never actually put verbalise the experiences. If I were to put in writing, exactly... thanks.

    Lots of email has flew around talking about a child trying to buy an hour of his dad's time; can't remember about the one with the tree that got chopped up bit by bit.. ie our detachment from our parents and forgetting them.

    Praise Lord for giving us the grace to be aware and be patient at times like this. Indeed, what is three or four hours compared to their lifetime serving us patiently especially under the hot sun, in the car with no parking outside the school or tuition centre...

    I hope our children will realise and then the world will be a better place. If we all allow the Lord to work in us, then it will happen.

    Praise God for He is so good.

